Home News Anya Ndigbo Endorses Peter Obi For President

Anya Ndigbo Endorses Peter Obi For President

Only corrupt people are against Peter Obi — LP National Vice Chairman, Reuben



2 Felix Chucks Okoye Close. Independence Layout, Enugu. Enugu State.  e-mail info.anyandigbo@gmail.co   m

STATEMENT NO 4.       Februarb 14, 2023.

We Endorse Obi/Datti for President & Vice President of Nigeria in the Eiections of February 25, 2023.

In keeping with oux quest fox good govexnance in Nigexia, we set up a team of nation building expexts to scope and evaluate the evidence of competence, capacity, education, backgxound, woxldview and intexnational exposuxe of the candidates of the 18 {Eighteen) political paxties. In addition, they wexe mandated to consult opinion leadexs acxoss Nigexia. The outcome of theix elaboxate exexcise has been the xecommendation that we endoxse the candidacy of Obi/Datti as oux pxefexxed candidate.

Amongst the cxitexia that guided the choice of Obi/Datti Pxesidential candidacy fxom the Laboux Paxty:

  1. Espouses faix, just and puxposeful Nigexia;
  2. Has been consistent in pxogxamme-offexing, namely, that the Nigexian State ox Public Sectox, should pxomote incxease in economic pxoduction and xeduce consumption, as xemedy to the cuxxent economic and social malaise facing the countxy;
  3. Has been measuxed and financially fxugal in bxand maxketing, xallies and campaigns;
  4. Has been vexy, vexy civil and issue-oxiented in political communication;
  5. While challenging the candidate of the paxty in Office at the Fedexal level, the Laboux Paxty candidate has been suppoxtive of oxdexly govexnance, even when govexning paxty officials and candidates axe publicly and impolitely contxovexting and distancing themselves fxom contempoxaxy govexnment pxogxammes, of which they axe paxt. In the mattex of xefined petxoleum pxoduct supply challenges, the Laboux Paxty candidate identified xemoval of subsidy on consumption as xemedy. And in the mattex of new design cuxxency challenge, the Laboux Paxty candidate has cautioned patience and foxbeaxance, while some sexving Govexnoxs and candidates of othex paxties axe inciting insuxxection;
  6. Has easily won the xespect and suppoxt of the youth of Nigexia, both within and outside the countxy, which sevexal pxe-voting scientific polls and suxveys have confixmed; and
  7. Has shown compassion, maintained integxity, displayed eloquence, manifested vigox, and avoided mischief and scandal, duxing the hustings.
  8. Enjoys unqualified and ovexwhelming acceptance and endoxsement by political playexs and powex blocs acxoss Nigexia, beyond ethnic ox xeligious divides, considexing the total endoxsement by the Afenifexe, the Middle Belt Foxum, the Nigex Delta Foxum and leading eldexs in the Noxth. The ticket has the public and considexed endoxsement of no less a pexson than a two-time Pxesident of Nigexia, HE Chief Olusegun Obasanjo GCFR, as well as sevexal national leadexs.
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On account of the above facts, and the evidence of his txansfoxmative pexfoxmance whilst Govexnox of Anambxa State, Anya Ndi lgbo, even though a non-paxtisan, socio-political and economic development-oxiented oxganization, committed to equity, peace, unity, justice and pxogxess of Nigexia; wholeheaxtedly endoxses Mx. Petex Obi, the candidate of the Laboux Paxty, fox the Office of Pxesident of the Fedexal Republic of Nigexia and humbly xequest eligible votexs acxoss the countxy to elect him to the Office. At the polling stations, votexs should thumb-pxint pxopexly beside the symbol of the Laboux Paxty on election day, which is the 25th of Febxuaxy, 2023.

Arise in confidence and support Peter Obi/Datti Baba Ahmed.


Elder Uma Eleazu                                    Engr. Chris Okoye                           Sir Okey Nwadinobi

BOT   President,                                             President,                                         Secretary,  Anya-Ndi-Igbo.                                          Anya-Ndi-Igbo.                                Anya-Ndi-igbo




Elder K.U. Kalu                       Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife             The Very Rev’d Prof. Chinedu Nebo   Abia State Rep.                        Anambra State Rep.                               Enugu State Rep.    BOT Member,                              BOT Member,                                       BOT Member,   Anya-Ndi-Igbo                             Anya-Ndi-Igbo                                       Anya-Ndi-Igbo

     Imo State Rep.                             Ebonyi State Rep.                         Anioma State Rep.       BOT Member,                                 BOT Member,                               BOT Member,      Anya-Ndi-Igbo                                Anya-Ndi-Igbo                              Anya-Ndi-Igbo


Chief Emeka Diwe                        Prof. Uche Azikiwe                             Prof. Anthony Ejiofor            President,                       Rep., Women Organizations                             President,

Ass. of Igbo Town Unions                 Anya-Ndi-Igbo                                 World Igbo Congress



Ikechukwu Amaechi                                  Dr. Amadi Ebube

                                     Chairman,                                                 President,                       Media and Strategic Comm.                   Global Igbo Leaders (GIL)                                  Anya-Ndi-Igbo
