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“Show Me What Structure Peter Obi Built In Eight Years.” – Part 1


By Tai Emeka Obasi.

Joe Igbokwe started it, amplified by Omoyele Sowore and his Sahara Reporters…then caught on by some people like Kamal in the attached tweet.

Some people took Igbokwe seriously, believing he’s from Anambra State and hence in a position to have known what HE Peter Obi did for his state in eight years. While Obi was busy recreating Anambra, Igbokwe was busy recreating his state of origin from Anambra to Lagos, and evidently hadn’t visited home during those years. If he had, he wouldn’t have asked what Obi did for the state.

What the man we also call Okwute did for his dear state cannot be a matter of reeling out in 24 hours. It will take not less than 24 days.

I will start by republishing Peter Gregory Obi’s public handover address few months to the end of his tenure. Then follow with all he did for Anambra in all sectors with clear pictures, starting with the Security Sector.

Take time to read the former governor of Anambra State and think of Nigeria in Anambra’s shoes while you do.



By HE Peter Obi, 2014.

Our vision was to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, MDGs, by 2015 as stipulated by all the 192 United Nations member-states and at least 23 international agencies, using our internally designed strategy: the Anambra Development Strategy, ANIDS.

On August 27, 1991, a new state full of hope and bright prospects was born. Inhabited by one of the most industrious and entrepreneurial people in Nigeria, Anambra State derived her name from one of the major rivers of the state.

Twenty-three years after creation, my special thanks goes go to all those who worked hard for her creation. I thank organisations and individuals which and who have continued to work assiduously for the progress and development of the state. I particularly thank the Elders, Advisory Council, the Traditional Rulers’ Council and Association of Town Unions, ASATU.

At inception, the state was administered by Joseph Abulu, a Navy Captain, who was on the saddle until December 1991. He was succeeded by an elected civilian governor, Dr. Chuwkuemeka Ezeife, who governed from January 2, 1992:to November 18, 1993 – when his government was truncated by a military takeover. Consequently, Colonel Mike Attah became the military administrator from December 13, 1993 to August 20, 1996. He was succeeded by another military governor in the person of Wing Commander Emmanuel Ukaegbu, who held sway from August 10, 1998 to May 29, 1999.

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It was at this time that Nigeria transited once more from military to democratic governance with Dr. Chinwoke Mbadinuju becoming the state’s first elected governor in the Fourth Republic. His regime lasted from May 29, 1999 to May 28, 2003.

Then came what was supposed to be another bold step in the country’s democratic journey, when elections were held throughout the country to elect another set of civilian leaders. At this point, it was clear to everybody that something had gone wrong. Anambra State was lagging behind most states of the Federation in the performance indices of good governance and development. That was when I decided to come out from the secure and organised private sector to delve into the murky waters of politics with all its uncertainties. Driven by a burning zeal for a corrective mission after my experience at Kellogg Graduate School, North Western University, USA and observing the obvious decay in the politics of our dear state, I could neither say “No” to myself nor to the desire of our people for change.

I contested for the position of governor on the platform of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA. Following an extensive issue-based campaign that was acclaimed as unprecedented, I was overwhelmingly endorsed by the electorate to govern the state. Regrettably, that unflinching verdict of the people was thwarted by anti-democratic elements, who declared another candidate the winner of that election.

Rather than give up and surrender to fate or resort to violence, I saw the journey as part of my raison d’être for being in politics and therefore a challenge to be confronted. I initiated proceedings at the Election Petition Tribunal, where I eventually reclaimed my stolen mandate after three grueling years of political and forensic battles. The verdict of the Election Petition Tribunal was subsequently affirmed by the Court of Appeal.


However, I was barely seven months into office when the same anti-democratic forces struck again and illegally impeached me. Part of the reasons adduced for my illegal impeachment was that I was frugal in pruning the cost of governance by reducing previously hyper inflated cost for the building of the Government House and Governor’s Lodge burnt by the same undemocratic forces. Interestingly, reducing cost of governance and efficient management of resources, which contributed to my jungle impeachment, formed the need for my involvement in politics. Was it then time to say “Enough” is enough and pack my things and go?

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Incidentally, the state had suffered another setback in her deployment journey as the midnight impeachment came just as I was fashioning out a blueprint for her restructuring.

Having come back from the illegal impeachment, I was confronted by yet another obstacle. This time, the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, the body charged with conducting elections in Nigeria, wrongly ordered the conduct of gubernatorial election in Anambra State, despite the constitutional provision that any person elected as governor has a four-year tenure, which begins from the day he takes the Oath of office. Worse still, I was even excluded from contesting this controversial election for fear I would win.

Eventually, somebody was declared winner. This forced me to vacate office on May 29, 2007. I once more returned to the courts and doggedly pursued the case from the High Court to the Supreme Court, while the public doubted the validity of my conviction. Again I won.


This judgement opened the doors for some other governors to benefit from similar situations. Such governors include: Adams Oshiomhole, Olusegun Mimiko, Rauf Aregbesola, Kayode Fayemi, Liyel Imoke, among others.

However, despite returning to office, my troubles were far from being over, with a State House of Assembly that was made up of 100 percent members of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP. By the time I was able to make them see reason and key into my people-oriented programmes, 2007 had already gone. Suffice it to say that while I was sworn in on the 17th of March, 2006, my actual service to the state started in 2008. The 2008 budget was thus first budget that I presented to the House of Assembly as governor. It was based on the vision of achieving the Millennium Development Goals by year 2015 as stipulated by the United Nations during the Millennium Development Summit in the year 2000.

The strategy for achieving this was christened Anambra Integrated Development Strategy, ANIDS, which is a process for planning, budgeting and implementing all sectors of the Millennium Development Goals simultaneously. Hence, the budget of 2008 was tagged ‘Budget of Integrated Development’, which was principally anchored on the need to turn Anambra State around and commence visible and sustainable development that would permeate all sectors. Thus, today, ANIDS has transformed Anambra State and made it a destination for donor agencies/development partners.

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As part of our strategy, we turned our planning/budgeting and implemention from being supply-driven to demand-driven, by involving all stakeholders in planning, budgeting and implemention process. A good case in point is the incorporation of Presidents-General of town unions in the process of governance as experimental 4th tier of Government – an innovation that is fast gaining popular acceptance. It is noteworthy that ANIDS and the sectoral programmes that it contains were borne out of the needs of all stakeholders expressed during the 2008 Budget Presentation and Implemention Workshop sponsored by the European Union. Since then, the state has never been the same again as it turned from a pariah status to a state everybody and group wants to associate with.

Some of the results of this vision can today be seen in the well-articulated and strategised road construction programme that has made Anambra one of the states with the best road network in the country. It can be seen in the revitalisation of such critical sectors as health, education, commerce and industry, institutions of government, sports, to mention but a few.

It was also in tandem with such vision that, for the first time, Structure Plans were produced for Awka, Onitsha and Nnewi by the UN-HABITAT for the all-round development of the state by my administration.

Today, Anambra State has shown that, with a clear vision, proper planning and frugal management of resources, a lot can be achieved. Any wonder that Anambra has fittingly turned from being ‘Home for All’ manner of people to THE LIGHT OF THE NATION.

As the light has started shinning, I urge all of you, great people of Anambra State, to make it shine brighter by being committed to the state.


Peter Obi, CON,
Governor of Anambra State.

Dear Obedient Party members, please share, share and share.

From tomorrow, the World will start seeing most of what this great man did for the state, Sector by Sector.



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